Don’t keep your girl waiting

May 18, 2018

London escortsJust a quick blog to keep you on top of your game when it comes to the ladies. You know how we like to help as much as we can! It also translates very well to London escorts of course. You should never keep any woman waiting, it’s not the gentlemanly thing to do really is it?

The waiting game

You ever sit there waiting for someone to turn up? Even if it’s just your mates? You’ve had your pint, or your coffee, or whatever, and you’re wondering whether or not to get another whilst you wait. It’s not a nice feeling is it? Well, it’s even worse for a woman. Particularly an attractive woman, because every man is probably looking at her and wondering if she’s going to stay alone. Probably perving at her too, or even contemplating making his move on her. You know men, you’re one of them, they can sometimes be rather predatory! Well, we know them quite well of course, we are a London escorts agency after all and it’s our line of work to know these things!

Do the right thing

Well, now that we have explained how you don’t like it, and how downright daunting it can be for a woman, you will perhaps think twice before doing it to anyone you care even the smallest bit about.

So if you book London escorts to join you somewhere and/or you’re not going to be there on time, or you want to cancel, do the decent thing. Call your agency (or the girl if she’s independent) and let them know what’s going on. You wouldn’t like it if one of our London escorts just decided not to turn up to your hotel after you’d booked her would you? Perhaps you’ve already been in this position with another agency, or an independent girl before? It can’t be pleasant we’re sure. Trust in the fact that Allstars Escorts will ensure that this never happens to you!

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