Being respectful to girls

September 26, 2018

escortIt’a actually more about being respectful to people at the end of the day. If you are the type of person who can’t be respectful, no matter who you are addressing, then there is little that an article like this can offer you.

The demon drink!

But the chances are that you’re not, if only because you’re booking through Allstars Escorts. We are generally, genuinely happy with the clients we have and have very few problems in this area. However, if there ever is a problem, it’s usually to do with disrespecting girls. But this too has it’s source.

Not many people actually plan to be rude and/or disrespectful to their chosen escorts. It’s usually that old devil booze that’s to blame. And we’ve all been there we’re sure. Either disrespecting someone because alcohol has lowered our inhibitions so much, or of course being disrespected by someone suffering the same problem. Either way it’s not very pleasant at all is it?

Your escort’s right of refusal

It’s unhelpful to go through a list of how you could be disrespectful to a London escort, and to be honest, you really ought to know anyway. But what you should know is that your chosen girl has an absolute to leave your home or hotel room. As we said, we can’t define every way in which you could possibly piss one of these girls off, but we are certain that they will let you know what you are doing wrong!

You will get a warning first, unless you’re just being intolerable, and then you will asked to leave. There will be no refunds or credit, or anything else like that. And what’s even worse is that you will not be able to book again through Allstars and possibly other agencies. This is because we will share your number with them. When you begin to disrespect girls, you lose the right to your privacy and discretion. So, we believe that this is a very fair warning to anyone who may sometimes border on being disrespectful. Just be careful!

Don’t worry, you won’t want to be anything but nice to our girls!

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