Is an escort lifestyle a glamorous one?

All Stars
February 28, 2019

It’s an interesting question, and one that gets asked frequently surprisingly enough. There are a number of you out there that try to take an active interest in the business and the girls. However, although an escort is happy to talk to you during your booking, she is not always keen to talk about the finer points of her life, where she came from and what she’s doing in the escort business. So if you are asked to not ask any questions, please respect out girls’ choices and stop. We are certain there are plenty of other things to talk about!

Glamour or no glamour?

Well, the life of an escort, as far as we see it, isn’t always glamorous. However, it does have it’s splashes of extreme glamour. When you think about it, it pays pretty well doesn’t it? Yes, they have to pay a percentage in commission to the agency who get them the booking, but depending on how many bookings they get done, they can still make a pretty penny from this career. So when it comes to having money to spend on the glamorous things in life, they do have enough.

They enjoy the shopping trips and getting together with friends in restaurants and bars for lunch etc. in Central London. So we suppose that side of things is pretty glamorous. Not to mention the dates they go on sometimes. They get to go to places that they wouldn’t usually go unless they were with a client. These escorts really do appreciate the experiences they get at Allstars.

Not so glamorous

It’s not all glamour of course. There are those nights when they really are so tired that they would rather stay in bed because they’ve been up partying all night the previous night. Dressing up and wearing a smile when you’re tired isn’t always easy. And then there are always those clients who are rude or otherwise unlikable!

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