Putney is a district in south-west London, UK, located in the London Borough of Wandsworth. It is situated south-west of Charing Cross. The area is identified in the London Plan as one of 35 major centres in Greater London.
Putney was an ancient parish in the Brixton (hundred) hundred of the county of Surrey.[http://homepages.gold.ac.uk/genuki/SRY/Putney homepages.gold.ac.uk] In 1855 the parish was included in the area of responsibility of the Metropolitan Board of Works and was grouped into the Wandsworth District (Metropolis). In 1889 the area was removed from Surrey and became part of the County of London. The Wandsworth District became the Metropolitan Borough of Wandsworth in 1900. Since 1965 Putney has formed part of the London Borough of Wandsworth in Greater London.
River crossing
Putney appears in the ''Domesday Book'' of 1086 as ''Putelei''. It was noted that it did not fall into the category of local jurisdictions known as a manorialism, but obtained 20 shillings from the ferry or market tariff at Putney belonging to the manor of Mortlake.[http://www.gwp.enta.net/surrnames.htm gwp.enta.net], Surrey Domesday Book
The ferry was mentioned in the household accounts of Edward I (1272–1307): Robert the Ferryman of Putney and other sailors received 3/6d for carrying a great part of the royal family across the Thames and also for taking the king and his family to Westminster.
One famous crossing at Putney was that of Cardinal Wolsey in 1529 upon his 'disgrace' in falling out of favour with Henry VIII and on ceasing to be the holder of the Great Seal of England. As he was riding up Putney Hill he was overtaken by one of the royal chamberlains who presented him with a ring as a token of the continuance of his majesty's favour. When the Cardinal had heard these good words of the king, he quickly lighted from his mule and kneeled down in the dirt upon both knees, holding up his hands for joy, and said "When I consider the joyful news that you have brought to me, I could do no less than greatly rejoice. Every word pierces so my heart, that the sudden joy surmounted my memory, having no regard or respect to the place; but I thought it my duty, that in the same place where I received this comfort, to laud and praise God upon my knees, and most humbly to render unto my sovereign lord my most hearty thanks for the same."[http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=45294 british-history.ac.uk], Putney, British History Online
The first bridge of any kind between the two parishes of Fulham and Putney was built during the English Civil War: after the Battle of Brentford (1642) in 1642, the Parliamentary forces built a bridge of boats between Fulham and Putney. According to an account from the period:''The Lord General hath caused a bridge to be built upon barges and lighters over the Thames between Fulham and Putney, to convey his army and artillery over into Surrey, to follow the king's forces; and he hath ordered that forts shall be erected at each end thereof to guard it; but for the present the seamen, with long boats and shallops full of ordnance and musketeers, lie there upon the river to secure it''.[http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/g/r/a/Cameron-Gracey/FILE/0027text.txt familytreemaker.geneaology.com]
The first permanent bridge between Fulham and Putney was completed in 1729, and was the second bridge to be built across the Thames in London (after London Bridge).
One story runs that "in 1720 Sir Robert Walpole was returning from seeing George I of Great Britain at Kingston and being in a hurry to get to the House of Commons rode together with his servant to Putney to take the ferry across to Fulham. The ferry boat was on the opposite side, however and the waterman, who was drinking in the Swan, ignored the calls of Sir Robert and his servant and they were obliged to take another route. Walpole vowed that a bridge would replace the ferry."The Predecessor of Putney Bridge – Fulham Bridge 1729–1886 by George & Michael Dewe (1986)
The Prince of Wales apparently "was often inconvenienced by the ferry when returning from hunting in Richmond park and asked Walpole to use his influence by supporting the bridge."
The bridge was a wooden structure and lasted for 150 years, when in 1886 it was replaced by the stone bridge that stands today.
St. Mary's Church
The parish church of St. Mary's Church, Putney became the site of the 1647 Putney Debates. Towards the end of the English Civil War, with the Roundheads looking victorious, Oliver Cromwell's soldiers staged a minor mutiny amid fears that a monarchy would be replaced by a new dictatorship. A number, known as the Levellers, complained: "We were not a mere mercenary army hired to serve any arbitrary power of a state, but called forth … to the defence of the people's just right and liberties". A manifesto was proposed entitled the Agreement of the People, and at an open meeting in Putney the officers of the Army Council heard the argument from private soldiers for a transparent, democratic state, without corruption. Proposals included sovereignty for English citizens, Parliamentary seats distributed according to population rather than property ownership, religion made a free choice, equality before the law, conscription abolished and parliamentary elections held every year. While the ideas proved greatly influential, including inspiring much of the language of the United States Declaration of Independence, Oliver Cromwell would later have the Leveller leaders executed.
The famous diarist Samuel Pepys visited St. Mary's Church on several occasions. During one visit on 28 April 1667, he recorded:
and then back to Putney Church, where I saw the girls of the schools, few of which pretty; and there I come into a pew, and met with little James Pierce, which I was much pleased at, the little rogue being very glad to see me: his master, Reader to the Church. Here was a good sermon and much company, but I sleepy, and a little out of order, for my hat falling down through a hole underneath the pulpit, which, however, after sermon, by a stick, and the help of the clerke, I got up again, and then walked out of the church.
:s:Diary of Samuel Pepys/1667/April
Open spaces and clean air
For centuries, Putney was a place where Londoners came for leisure, to enjoy the open spaces and clean air. Londoners came to Putney to play games. According to John Locke, who writes, in 1679: "The sports of England for a curious stranger to see are horse-racing, hawking, hunting, and bowling; at Putney he may see several persons of quality bowling two or three times a week."
One regular visitor was Queen Elizabeth I who frequently visited Putney from 1579–1603, often visiting Mr John Lacy. She was said to "honour Lacy with her company more frequently than any of her subjects", often staying for two to three days. Putney is a district in south-west London, UK, located in the London Borough of Wandsworth. It is situated south-west of Charing Cross. The area is identified in the London Plan as one of 35 major centres in Greater London.
Putney Heath
Charles II of England reviewed his forces on Putney Heath in 1684; in May 1767, George III reviewed the Guards, and the Surrey Volunteers at the same spot in 1799.Geikie, J. C. (1903). ''The Fascination of London: Hammersmith, Fulham and Putney''. London: A & C Black, p.85. According to Samuel Pepys, Charles II of England and his brother, the Duke of York used to run horses here.
A stone and brick obelisk was erected on Putney Heath in 1770, marking the 110th anniversary of the Great Fire of London, to coincide with the invention of the Hartley fire plates by David Hartley (the Younger), near a spot where his fireproof house was built. The obelisk, with ornately detailed foundation stone, is still standing and can be accessed via the car park adjacent to The Telegraph public house, off Wildcroft Road, SW15. The lower part of this house was repeatedly set on fire in the presence, among others, of George III and Queen Charlotte, the members of Parliament, the Lord Mayor, and the Aldermen.Geikie, J. C. (1903). ''The Fascination of London: Hammersmith, Fulham and Putney''. London: A & C Black, p.84. Since 1955 the obelisk has been a Grade II listed building.[http://www.britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-207057-hartley-memorial-obelisk-north-east-of-w Hartley Memorial Obelisk (north East of Wildcroft Manor), Putney] The adjacent Wildcroft Manor was formerly in the ownership of publishing magnate Sir George Newnes, builder of Putney Library. In 1895 he was created a baronet "of Wildcroft, in the parish of Putney, in the county of London.
Many duels were undertaken on Putney Heath. In May 1652, George, the third Lord Chandos, and Colonel Henry Compton fought with Compton being killed in the encounter. On a Sunday afternoon in May 1798 William Pitt the Younger, the then Prime Minister, who lived in Bowling-Green House on the heath, fought a bloodless battle with William Tierney, MP. The house derived its name from the bowling-green formerly attached to it, and for more than sixty years (1690–1750) was the most famous green in the neighbourhood of London. The house had large rooms for public breakfasts and assemblies, was a fashionable place of entertainment, and noted for "deep play." Pitt died in the house in 1806. It was later owned by Henry Lewis Doulton, son of Henry Doulton of pottery fame. It was demolished and an art deco style residence rebuilt on the site in 1933. Putney Heath, near the Telegraph pub, was also the venue for the September 1809 duel between Cabinet ministers George Canning and Robert Stewart, Viscount Castlereagh.Geikie, J. C. (1903). ''The Fascination of London: Hammersmith, Fulham and Putney''. London: A & C Black, pp.84–86.
Scio House Hospital was the last villa on Portsmouth Road abutting the heath: it eventually became a hospital and was known as Scio House Hospital for Officers, Putney. It has since been redveloped as a gated community of 70 neo-Georgian homes divided between two streets.
Putney Heath is around 400 acres in size and sits at approximately 150 feet above sea level. Because of its elevation, from 1796 to 1816 Putney Heath hosted a station in the Semaphore line, which connected the Admiralty in London to its naval ships in Portsmouth. One of 10 signal stations with telescopes making observation of the next station's signal, a message could be sent from the Admiralty to Portsmouth within 15 minutes.Wandsworth Council ''Putney Heath Appraisal & Management Strategy'' (2008), p.13 This was replaced by a semaphore station, which was part of a semaphore line that operated between 1822 and 1847.[http://www.thetelegraphputney.co.uk/telegraph-history.php History – The Telegraph country pub in London]
Putney Heath was for many years a noted rendezvous for highwaymen. In 1795, the notorious highwayman Jeremiah Abershaw – also known as Jerry Avershaw – was caught in the Green Man pub (now owned by Wandsworth pub company Young's,) on the northside of the heath where Putney Hill meets Tibbet's Ride. After execution his body was hung in chains on the heath as a warning to others. An ancient wood fence cattle pound is located opposite the Green Man, adjacent to two huge plane trees, near the bus terminus. This simple wood fence structure, used historically to contain lost livestock, has been listed as a Grade II listed structure since 1983.[http://www.britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-207108-village-pond-putney Village Pound, Putney]
A number of fine homes lined Putney Hill and the north face of the heath, west of the Green Man. All had semi-circular carriageway entrances and exits.Bailey, Keith. ''Old Ordnance Survey Maps, Putney 1913''. South Shields: Godfrey Maps These included Grantham House, the residence of Lady Grantham; Ripon House, Ashburton House; Exeter House, occupied by the Marquis of Exeter. George Cokayne, author of peerage and baronetage publications, died at Exeter House in 1911.[http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924092524374 George E Cokayne ''Complete Baronetage Vol 1'' (1900)] Nearby Gifford House was owned by the J. D. Charrington of brewing fame; and Dover House, was the seat originally of Lord Dover, afterwards of Thomas Agar-Robartes, 6th Viscount Clifden. It was owned at the turn of the 20th century by the famous US financier JP Morgan.Geikie, J. C. (1903). ''The Fascination of London: Hammersmith, Fulham and Putney''. London: A & C Black, p83.
With the development of transport routes for the growing financial sector, the area became highly desirable for City gents in the 1890s and they were initially known as "outsiders".Roehampton Cricket Club ''Towards the Second Century'' (1951), p.6 In 1900, social researcher Charles Booth (philanthropist) had classified the whole area of Putney Hill and West Hill, leading into Putney Heath, as wealthy or well-to-do. Despite a full array of places of worship, he said it was noted for low church attendance with all denominations "struggling for the souls of pleasure-seeking Putney... the middle class here are as indifferent as the poor elsewhere."
The village green at the corner of Wildcroft and Telegraph roads is used by Roehampton Cricket Club and is one of the oldest cricket teams in London, being established in 1842. The club has played there continuously since 1859 when lord of the manor, Earl Spencer, suggested it as a new site.http://www.roehamptoncricketclub.com It has two sides in the highly competitive Fullers Surrey County League and a Sunday side that plays on a more social level. In 1900, a decade after the death of his multimillionaire father Junius Spencer Morgan, JP Morgan had already gained a fondness for the sport and was made an honorary member.Roehampton Cricket Club ''Towards the Second Century'' (1951), p.11 Antarctic explorer Ernest Shackleton, who presided at the club dinner in 1910, allowed his two young children – Raymond and Cecilyhttp://www.jamescairdsociety.com/shackleton-news.php?id=105140 – to play cowboys and Indians on the cricket green during the week. This groundkeeper's transgression was later believed to have been a privilege of him being an honorary member.Roehampton Cricket Club ''Towards the Second Century'' (1951), p.4
The Chelsea Water Company originally owned the reservoir site and allowed construction of the club pavilion on its property.Geikie, J. C. (1903). ''The Fascination of London: Hammersmith, Fulham and Putney''. London: A & C Black, p84. The reservoir site is now owned by Thames Water. Cricket matches continued during the war although some games started late or were drawn due to late starts or air raid sirens. Four German V-1 flying bombs struck the area in World War II. One destroyed the club's pavilion, opposite the Telegraph pub, in July 1944, near where the covered water reservoir is located. Wildcroft Road, turning into Portsmouth Road and thus the future A3, was a main thoroughfare into SW London and became a stop-off point for American serviceman who alighted from their jeeps to "taste this crazy cricket game"Roehampton Cricket Club ''Towards the Second Century'' (1951), p.16
On the south side of the reservoir, in the triangle of land between Wildcroft Road, Tibbet's Ride and the Green Man, is a large clearing of land. A funfair is set up on the grounds each October, lasting for one week. Ground rent is paid by the touring company to the Wimbledon and Putney Commons Conservators, as part of the income of the charity.http://www.charity-commission.gov.uk/Showcharity/RegisterOfCharities/DocumentList.aspx?RegisteredCharityNumber=303167&SubsidiaryNumber=0&DocType=AccountList Putney is a district in south-west London, UK, located in the London Borough of Wandsworth. It is situated south-west of Charing Cross. The area is identified in the London Plan as one of 35 major centres in Greater London.
Local character
A local directory of Putney in 1932 listed a high proportion of residents as being professional, including doctors and lawyers. The area also was home to significant numbers of retired naval officers.The Putney Society (2010). ''The Bulletin, December. p2.
The United Kingdom Census 2011 showed this professional character still present. Looking at a combination of the electoral wards of East Putney, West Putney and Thamesfield (which comprises North Putney), 46% of residents were classified as higher or lower "managerial, administrative & professional" socio-economic status; 6% were retired. Ethnicity in these wards is 81% white, 8% Asian, 5% black, and 4% of mixed or multiple ethnicities. Sixty-five percent of the population was born in the UK. The most identified religion was Christianity at 56%, with 27% declaring no religion, 8% not stating any religion, 5% Muslim and other religions making up the remainder. The 2011 Census revealed Thamesfield as having the highest number of Australians and New Zealanders in London, followed by the East Putney ward in second place.
In a 2005 New Economics Foundation survey of 27 London high streets, Putney's was deemed the fifth most "cloned", offering identikit shopping with little local character. Putney is a district in south-west London, UK, located in the London Borough of Wandsworth. It is situated south-west of Charing Cross. The area is identified in the London Plan as one of 35 major centres in Greater London.
The Member of Parliament (UK) for Putney is Justine Greening. Putney is a district in south-west London, UK, located in the London Borough of Wandsworth. It is situated south-west of Charing Cross. The area is identified in the London Plan as one of 35 major centres in Greater London.
Rowing and the Boat Race
at night]]
Since the second half of the 19th century, Putney has been one of the most significant centres for sport rowing in the United Kingdom. There were two historic reasons for this.
First, increasing numbers of steam-powered boats (not to mention the growing levels of sewage being discharged into the river) made leisure rowing on the Thames in central London unpleasant if not impossible. There was much less commercial traffic on the river at Putney (partly because the many buttresses of the original Putney Bridge restricted the transit of large river boats) ensuring more suitable water for rowing. The river was also cleaner at Putney.
Secondly, the construction of the London and South Western Railway from Waterloo Station to Putney railway station and the Metropolitan District Railway to Putney Bridge tube station allowed easy commuting.
More than twenty rowing clubs are based on the River Thames at Putney Embankment in an urban landscape which now forms part of a Conservation Area described as "unique in London"http://www.wandsworth.gov.uk/downloads/download/872/putney_embankment_conservation_area; among the largest are London Rowing Club, Thames Rowing Club, Imperial College Boat Club and Vesta Rowing Club. Leander Club owned a boathouse in Putney from 1867 to 1961. The Putney clubs have produced a plethora of Olympic medallists and Henley Royal Regatta winners. Putney Town Rowing Club, although retaining Putney's name, has now moved to Kew.
The Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race, first contested in 1829 in Henley-on-Thames, has had Putney as its starting point since 1845. Since 1856, it has been an annual event, beginning at the University Boat Race Stones, just upstream from Putney Bridge.
Several other important rowing races over the The Championship Course also either start or finish at the stone, notably the Head of the River Race. Putney is a district in south-west London, UK, located in the London Borough of Wandsworth. It is situated south-west of Charing Cross. The area is identified in the London Plan as one of 35 major centres in Greater London.
Notable residents
A - F
*Stefan Abingdon, of the band The Midnight Beast
*J. R. Ackerley, author and literary editor of ''The Listener (magazine)'' lived at Star and Garter Mansions from 1941 until his death in 1967
*Tony Adams (footballer), former Arsenal and England football captain, lived here post-rehab
*Gerry Anderson and Jim Henson, television puppeteers, at different times leased the same workshop (now demolished) in Rotherwood Road, Putney
*Clement Attlee, who served as Labour Party (UK) leader from 1935 to 1955 (from 1945 to 1951 as prime minister) was born at Putney in 1883.[http://www.number10.gov.uk/history-and-tour/clement-attlee-2/ number10.gov.uk]
*Edvard Beneš, second President of Czechoslovakia, lived in Gwendolen Avenue during his exile in London from October 1938 to the end of World War II
*Marc Bolan, singer and leader of the band T.Rex (band) lived at 6'''a''' Schubert Road, Putney and died in a car crash in Queens Ride, Barnes, London on the border of Putney
*Peter Bonetti, Chelsea F.C. and Dundee United F.C. footballer, was born in Putney
*Richard Branson, British entrepreneur
*Peter Brett, American writer
*Pierce Brosnan, James Bond actor, attended school in Putney
*Anna Calvi, singer and songwriter
*Rosa Nouchette Carey, writer of children's novels, died at her home in Keswick Road, Putney in 1909.[http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/32288 oxforddnb.com], Retrieved 31 May 2011.
*Christopher Chope, Member of Parliament for Christchurch (UK Parliament constituency), was born in Putney
*Nick Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and leader of the Liberal Democrats
*Napier Collyns, networker, scenarist, traveller, historian of science, has lived in Putney since 1958
*Tom Courtenay, film actor
*Thomas Cromwell, chief minister for Henry VIII of England and architect of the English Reformation, was born in Putney around 1485
*Taio Cruz, UK RnB singer
*John Deacon, former bass guitarist of Queen (band), lives in west Putney.
*Jason Flemyng, actor, born in Putney
*E. M. Forster, author, lived at 22 Werter Road, Putney
*Henry Fuseli, Swiss-born British artist, professor of painting and keeper of the Royal Academywww.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=45294
G - O
*Constance Garnett, translator of ''War and Peace'', ''Anna Karenina'', ''Crime and Punishment'', and other Russian literature
*Edward Gibbon, historian, born in Putney, and gave his name to the local telephone exchange
*Francis North, 4th Earl of Guilford, resident of Putney Hill, 1825
*Kenelm Lee Guinness, racing driver, started the KLG spark plug factory in Putney and lived in Kingston Hill
*Peter Hain, British Labour Party politician, and Member of Parliament (MP) for Neath, lived in Putney in Gwendolen Avenue in the late 1960s.
*Ashley Horne, of the band The Midnight Beast
*Penny Irving, actress (''The Benny Hill Show'', Carry On, ''Are You Being Served?'')
*Leon Jackson, Scottish singer and winner of The X Factor in 2007
*General Sir Mike Jackson, Chief of the General Staff, 2003-2006, lived, and attended primary school, in Putney.Jackson, M., Soldier: The Autobiography, London: Random House Group Ltd., 2007, p.23.
*Robin Knox-Johnston, yachtsman, born in Putney
*Gunji Koizumi, introduced judo to the United Kingdom
*Lazee, A Swedish rapper, lived in Putney when he was a teenager
*Simon Le Bon, lead singer of pop group Duran Duran, lives on Upper Richmond Road in West Putney with his wife, Yasmin Le Bon
*Laurie Lee, author, lived and worked as a building labourer in Putney during the 1930s
*Charles Lightoller, the most senior officer to survive the RMS Titanic, lived at 60A Upper Richmond Road
*David Luiz, Chelsea F.C. and Brazil national football team footballer
*James Macpherson, translator and author of the Ossian
*David McKee, creator of Mr Benn the popular UK television programme for children, first broadcast on BBC1 in the early 1970s. Mr Benn lives in London at 52 Festive Road; David McKee used to live "next door" at 54 Festing Road, where current residents have come together to install an engraved paving slab in his honour. ("I think it was because in the first book I drew myself looking out of the window, and I thought it would be quite nice to have him next door," said McKee.).
*Bobby Moore, England football world cup winner, lived in Putney in his later years
*JP Morgan, US financier, lived in Dover House, Putney Heath
*Sir George Newnes, publishing magnate, lived at Putney Heath
*Lawrence Oates, who uttered the famous last words ("I am just going outside and may be some time.") on the 1910–13 British Antarctic Expedition, born and grew up in Putney
P - Z
*William Pitt the Younger, Prime Minister, lived and died in Bowling-Green House at Putney HeathGeikie, J. C. (1903). ''The Fascination of London: Hammersmith, Fulham and Putney''. London: A & C Black, p. 85.
* Richard Pollard (MP), (1505-1542), MP for Taunton (1536) and Devon (1539, 1542), resided chiefly at Putney
*Justin Rose, golfer, has a flat in Putney
*Ronald Ross, discoverer of malaria transmission by mosquitoes, lived and died at Bath House, Putney Hillhttp://timeline.lshtm.ac.uk/1920.html
*Fred Russell (ventriloquist), known as the "The Father of Modern Ventriloquism", remembered by blue plaque, lived in Lower Richmond Road near Putney Bridge
* Dr Abdus Salam, Nobel Laureate in Physics (1979)
*Oswald Stoll, Australian-born British theatre and film magnate, 33 Putney Hill
*Algernon Charles Swinburne, poet and Nobel prize nominee, lived and died at The Pines, at the foot of Putney Hill[http://www.freebmd.org.uk Deaths England and Wales 1837–1983]
*Daley Thompson, former decathlete
*Alan Thornhill, sculptor whose nine large works form the permanent Putney Sculpture Trail along the Thames
*Fernando Torres, Spanish footballer, plays for Chelsea F.C.
*Theodore Watts-Dunton, who looked after Swinburne
*Nigel Williams (author), author
*Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, author of Frankenstein, lived in Putney at Layton House in 1839, and White House in 1843
*Leonard Woolf, husband of Virginia Woolf, grew up in Putney Putney is a district in south-west London, UK, located in the London Borough of Wandsworth. It is situated south-west of Charing Cross. The area is identified in the London Plan as one of 35 major centres in Greater London.
Putney Sculpture Trail
Alan Thornhill lived and worked in Putney for many years and his studio still remains. The sculpture Load[http://alanthornhill.co.uk/lg_001.htm alanthornhill.co.uk] was presented to PutneySpirit in Mass: Journey into Sculpture – Alan Thornhill (2007) UK Documentary film (PG) on Fools Day and occupies a permanent position near the south west end of Putney Bridge on Lower Richmond Road. A film, launched at Appledore[http://www.appledorearts.org/film2008.htm Appledore Arts – Film] and Chichester Film Festivals in 2008 documents these celebrations. The acquisition of 8 further large works formed a permanent new riverside Putney Sculpture Trail in London's Borough of Wandsworth, officially unveiled in September 2008. Putney is a district in south-west London, UK, located in the London Borough of Wandsworth. It is situated south-west of Charing Cross. The area is identified in the London Plan as one of 35 major centres in Greater London.
Historic links to sculpture and sculptors
Sir Jacob Epstein was buried in Putney Vale Cemetery on 24 August 1959.Epstein; Stephen Gardiner (1993) Flamingo Books ISBN 0-00-654598-X
Henri Gaudier-Brzeska had a studio in Putney in the last year of his life after moving from 454a Fulham Road. Sydney Schiff went to visit Gaudier there in 1914 to purchase the 'Dancer' which was later presented to the Victoria and Albert Museum. Gaudier-Brzeska was killed in France in June 1915.Savage Messiah; H.S. Ede (1979) Gordon Frazer Gallery London SBN 900406151 first published Heinemann 1931 Putney is a district in south-west London, UK, located in the London Borough of Wandsworth. It is situated south-west of Charing Cross. The area is identified in the London Plan as one of 35 major centres in Greater London.
Putney is serviced by mainline trains to Waterloo Station from Putney Station and by London Underground from East Putney. The far west of Putney is also served by Barnes Station, a few hundred yards across the boundary in Barnes, while Putney Bridge tube station is across the river in Fulham. Services to Waterloo are every 5 to 10 minutes making it a popular location for professionals commuting into central London.
Train journey times are between 14 and 19 minutes depending on the number of stops and time of day. Trains are especially crowded at peak times (especially in the morning rush hour between 7.45am and 9am, where in some cases the train is full before all passengers can board). The last train from Waterloo to Putney is at 00.18 hrs.
Putney is served by List of bus routes in London 14, 22, 37, 39, 74, 85, 93, 220, 265, 270, 337, 424 mon-sat, 430 and 485 mon-sat and Night buses in London 14, N22, 37, N74, 85, 93, 220. The 14 transports revellers from the West End of London every 5–10 minutes, with a journey time of approximately 45 minutes.
Nearest tube stations
*East Putney tube station
*Putney Bridge tube station
Nearest railway station
*Putney railway station
*Barnes railway station Putney is a district in south-west London, UK, located in the London Borough of Wandsworth. It is situated south-west of Charing Cross. The area is identified in the London Plan as one of 35 major centres in Greater London.
Nearest places
{{Geographic location
|title = '''Destinations from Putney'''
|Northwest = Hammersmith
|North = Fulham
|Northeast = Fulham
|West = Barnes, London, East Sheen
|Centre = Putney
|East = Wandsworth
|Southwest = Roehampton, Putney Vale
|South = Wimbledon Common, Southfields
|Southeast = Earlsfield
}} Putney is a district in south-west London, UK, located in the London Borough of Wandsworth. It is situated south-west of Charing Cross. The area is identified in the London Plan as one of 35 major centres in Greater London.
Putney is a district in south-west London, UK, located in the London Borough of Wandsworth. It is situated south-west of Charing Cross. The area is identified in the London Plan as one of 35 major centres in Greater London.
External links
Category:Areas of London
Category:Districts of London listed in the Domesday Book
Category:Districts of London on the River Thames
Category:Districts of Wandsworth
Category:Major centres of London
Category:Rowing venues
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