Escort Jobs escorts



In a city the size of London with people travelling in and out all the time you would expect there to be lots of opportunities for escorts. You would be correct and it’s for this reason we are appealing to those of you out there who feel as though you have the relevant skills and/or experience to work with us here at the agency.

Escorts jobs in London are not hard to find, but finding an agency that will represent you correctly and promote your profile to an established customer base are a little harder to find; not to mention those that don’t take a huge chunk of cash out of your fees.

We have put together a little checklist to see if you match the characteristics of the ideal London escort girl. If you think you do or you have any further questions about becoming a London escort, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at your earliest convenience and we’ll do our best.

  • Over 18 years of age and considered physically attractive
  • Outgoing, perhaps extroverted personality
  • Willingness to please others an adapt to many social situations
  • Have at least a reasonable grasp of the English language
  • Be located in or around London, able to work in the UK and able to travel at short notice

Of course, we will usually be able to work around your schedule if you are working elsewhere or studying at university.

We want to be as flexible as possible and if you’re the right girl for the agency we will do our utmost to make it a position you’ll want to keep. We are a well-known agency and get plenty of bookings.

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