Tell the world about your escort experience!

All Stars
October 2, 2018

London escort No, we don’t mean shout it from the rooftops, tell your wife or your next door neighbour! We’re talking about sharing your experience with those among us who understand more than anything. A London escort hobby is a very private thing we realise, and there is a very select group of us who indulge in this wonderful service. But we do have communities that help hobbyists, agencies and of course the girls greatly.

Reviewing your London escort experience

It’s all about the reviews you see. At the end of the day, when anyone buys anything these days, they read half a dozen reviews if they can before committing to purchase. The same can be said for London escorts. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s an outcall booking or an incall booking either. We obviously only offer outcall bookings, but there are people out there that only want this service, so your review will be very useful.

You don’t have to give your name, or any details about yourself at all. You can even register with these websites using a different email address etc. What’s important is that your review is honest and as detailed as you can make it. Those paying for an escort experience really like to know what they might expect.

The sites

The sites are as follows, and you can find them easy enough: Captain 69, The Erotic Review,, Punterchat. There are probably loads more, but these ones are by far the most influential so we’ve come to believe. If you go over to one or all of these and submit your London escort we would be very grateful indeed. We don’t offer you any incentive, other than the fact you will be doing yourself and the rest of the community a lot of good. Imagine if you will, a world without escorts? This is one of the main reasons we want to keep the reviews going!

All Stars London

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