VIP London escortsYou may or may not be aware, but many of whom we consider to be VIP London escorts, have a little secret. We’re not going to tell you which of them of course, that wouldn’t be fair; and it wouldn’t be a secret! But, did you know that a number of the girls at Allstars Escorts, actually have other jobs? And some of them work in some relatively high profile positions.

You see, when you’re sitting there in your hotel room, whispering sweet nothings into the ear of your favourite escort, she could be someone else entirely! Isn’t that a bit of a turn on? We think so. Granted, she could also work in the local McDonalds, but we’re talking about VIP London escorts here aren’t we?

In all seriousness, we don’t mind telling you that a number of them work in finance and property around the city. Some are PA’s etc. and there are many more careers. You know, proper careers, not just “jobs.” Most of the other girls are either international models, or full-time London escorts. Remember gents, just because we are a cheap escort agency, it doesn’t mean we can’t have VIP London escorts working with us. Most of those who have alternate careers do this because they love it so much, and it allows them to meet a variety of interesting people.

Some VIP London escorts desire more discretion

Some want a little more than others. Some don’t really mind if the occasional person finds out that they are offering VIP London escort services. This is because the person who has discovered them is probably browsing the website to find escorts for themselves anyway! What other reason could they have for discovering the secret? And if this in indeed the case, this person more than likely doesn’t want to be discovered to be looking for VIP London escorts; or any other type of escort for that matter!

This is more than likely why you will see that some of the VIP London escort we list have their faces blurred out on their profiles. Don’t worry, they won’t turn up at your hotel looking like that! And they won’t be wearing a bag over their head! They would just rather that their faces weren’t broadcast to the entire world on the internet. Well, those people in the world who choose to look for London escorts that is!