New London escorts from Allstars

All Stars
April 7, 2017
new London escorts

Some of you may have already noticed that we have a few new faces at Allstars, others may want to read on. We love getting New London escorts at Allstars, it’s always an exciting time learning just how popular the girls are going to become. We’re usually pretty confident when we take on a new face and we do a lot of checking into her to make sure she has what we think it takes to be successful. We will admit that we get it wrong sometimes, but you can’t win them all can you?

That said, we are very pleased to announce that the new London escorts you see listed here are already getting some great feedback and we would urge you to book them for yourselves to find out for sure.

Our new London escorts

new London escorts


Debra is one of those girls who come along once in a lifetime. She’s the type of girl who passes you in the street and you simply have to turn around to watch her walk away. She has that kind of backside we can tell you that much! New London escorts don’t come much more immediately popular than Debra, and she’s already getting booked up pretty fast. We recommend you book her with as much notice as possible at the moment. Visit Debra – our Hungarian vixen – now!


Are you excited about redhead’s new London escorts? Well, Mimmi should be at the top of your list! She has a shock of red hair and bright blue eyes, not to mention a fantastic young, flexible, and toned body. She’ll have you dreaming about her long after you’ve met. Mimmi specialises in making you feel relaxed. She’s naturally confident you see, which is quite rare for one so young. You won’t regret booking this one for a moment.

new London escorts


How about a stunning blonde Portuguese angel? Trinity is the girl for you! Tanned, tall, leggy, and always looking fabulous. Trinity likes to spend a lot of time in the gym keeping fit, and when she’s not there, she’s shopping for the next best outfit to impress her clients. This is one of our most dedicated new London escorts and we’re very happy to have her on the team.

Check out all the London escorts at Allstars in our gallery!



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