Book your high class escorts from Allstars!

January 26, 2018

high class escortsWe’re betting you never thought you’d be able to get high-class escorts from Allstars. Well, to be more accurate, we prefer the name “elite” escorts. This is a little better since it doesn’t give you the impression that our escorts are “stuck up” in any way at all. Because this is something you need to know about these high-class escorts. They’re not. They may be better than the rest and ready for anything, but they’re still the same, highly intelligent and accommodating young women as ever. Versatile and ready to entertain.

What’s the difference between the high class and the other girls

Well, our “elite” (we keep forgetting!) escorts are far more available and we’re told they offer a much more inclusive service. We don’t know too much about their services, but we know they’re much more experienced and open-minded! You can expect to pay anywhere upwards from £300 for an hour. But you can count on these girls being worth every penny of that fee. You can also book exclusive dinner dates that include two hours of private time with your chosen girl. Take a look at our page on our elite escort experience for much more information.

Ask anything you like

During this transitional phase, we welcome you to call us on the phone and ask us any questions should you be confused by anything. We will be happy to explain everything. We will be adding many more elite girls to our high-class escorts list in the very near future, so keep an eye on the blog and also on our Twitter feed for more information.

Take a look at the girls and see what you think, then you’ll need to book one of them to see the difference of course, but we’re confident that you will love them. Nothing like trying something new is there?

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