Make your first date count with London escorts

All Stars
March 28, 2017

London escorts We’re going to talk to you about dating on two levels today: dating London escorts and dating regular girls. You see, one can actually help you with the other when you think about it! Are you often nervous on a first date? Do you rarely make it to your second date? Let’s see what you’ve been doing wrong shall we?

You’re going to score with London escorts

This is true. You’re not going to be able to mess it up really, we all know this. You’re paying them after all! So make the most of it. Practice your lines, practice how to dress, what to say, and where to go. Practice everything you think you should practice for a regular date! And here are a few things you need to be thinking about when you’re actually on a regular date.

Keep it simple

Don’t even think about those “fun” type dates where you go bowling or ice skating or something adventurous. You’re not going to know each other nearly as well as you need to for stuff like this. It’s just too awkward. We know what we’re talking about. We’ve actually heard stories from London escorts about people who have taken them on these types of dates and it really doesn’t work. No, keep it simple. Coffee, a walk, or maybe a couple of drinks in the local boozer. You really need to be able to get out quickly if you want to, and so does she!

Don’t worry about dinner

If you’ve decided to go out to dinner, don’t panic about where you’re going. You don’t have to choose anywhere fancy, no-one will be worried about the food. You’re both likely to either be too into each other, or too nervous to give a damn about what you’re putting in your mouth. You could try somewhere that has a varied menu to make things easier for your date to choose something she likes. Choose someone quiet if you can too, so you can get to know each other.

There isn’t really much more to it! Be yourself when you’re on a date. Remember that if it’s going to go anywhere in the future, you’re going to need to be the person you were on your first date!

If all else fails – keep booking London escorts!

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