Don’t bother with a massage this Christmas

December 17, 2017

London escortsIf you’re like a lot of other men at Christmas, you probably treat yourself to a cheeky massage. And we’re not talking about the type of massage that helps torn ligaments or a stiff neck! You know what we mean! You go and visit one of those Thai massage parlours, or you perhaps go a little more upmarket and book yourself in with a tantric massage professional instead. Either way, there are plenty of these providers in London. Indeed, you can’t walk very far at all without seeing a parlour these days.

Be wary about the price of your massage

Consider how much you’re going to spend on a massage first. Remember that if you think that you’re only going to pay a small amount of money for a massage in a Thai parlour, you’re wrong. It may seem cheap on the pricelist, but once you factor in the “extras” (which let’s face it, every man has) it’s going to cost you a lot more. And there’s nothing like being hit up for money when you’ve got no trousers on and you’re clearly aching for some sort of relief! They know what they’re doing!

Booking London escorts

Isn’t it better if you book one of our London escorts? The girls at Allstars devote themselves entirely to you for the duration of your booking, and they’ll never hit you up for more money once you’ve paid your initial fee. Now consider this. Some of the tantric massage providers in London are charging more than we are for a full London escort service! Why on earth would you book a tantric massage? It would have to be a very good massage wouldn’t it? This is especially pertinent when you consider that there are a great number of our London escorts that have excellent sensual massage skills that they would be happy to demonstrate on you (for no extra money!) So why pay up to £150+ for a massage, when you can have London escorts for £100? It’s a “no brainer” isn’t it?

Get a proper Christmas treat this year – Leave the massage well alone!

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