Make up for the crappy train ride!

All Stars
July 3, 2018

London escort This blog is dedicated to all you London lovers out there that travel into the city on regular occasions. You could be a commuter, or just a regular business/pleasure traveler. Either way, we know damn well that the standard of train services in the UK is way behind everywhere else in the world. So you need to make up for it by having a damn good time when you’re here.


That’s not hard to work out now is it? Especially since you’re reading a London escort website! You book yourself a girl to take your woes away when you arrive. The girls at Allstars are well used to stressed out clients. Those who put up with things like dreadful train journeys etc. So if you’ve had to sit next to some fat, smelly man, who can’t understand how to use arm rests, our girls will help you!

Forget about it with a London escort

In other words, forget all about your awful journey and relax. Get yourself to London first. That’s your primary job. But put up with all the nonsense on the journey with the fact that you’re going to be with an amazing woman in your head. It will make everything so much more manageable. In fact, if you haven’t already booked in advance, why not browse the gallery for a London escort whilst you’re on the train and make your booking?

Advance booking

There are distinct advantages to booking your escorts in advance with Allstars you know. You can get them at a much cheaper rate. So if you’re going to do this, make sure you do your selecting during the early part of your journey. That way by the time you have arrived and checked into your hotel, you will have given the agency enough time to give you a cheaper rate. You can check our London escort fees on our rates page.

And remember that just because the girls work predominantly at night, it doesn’t mean that they can’t come to your hotel or apartment at any time of the day. That’s the beauty of having 24 hour escorts and the advantage of advance bookings!

All Stars London

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