Movie night on your own again? Not with Allstars!

All Stars
August 17, 2018

It might sound a little ridiculous to some of you, but we know our escort clients very well, and so do our girls. The girls know the type of things that you all love doing. They know what you like to see them wearing, they know where you like to go and what you like to get up to etc. but they also know a number of things that you may not have mentioned or even done. We’re talking about the subtext here. For those who aren’t sure what that means, we’re talking about what doesn’t get said, but can be reasonably worked out. Our escort clients really would appreciate some of the simpler things in life.

So why do you book escorts?

To spend time with a beautiful young woman yes, we know, you’ve said it before, and will continue to say it as long as you book girls. But it’s also a lot about loneliness isn’t it? Not wanting to spend too much time on your own. To alleviate the boredom, the sadness even. So, why can’t you ever just book a girl to do the “normal” and banal in life? It’s not unusual to book a girl to simply have dinner with you, as you already know, so why not book her to watch a movie with you.

You must all miss curling up on the sofa and cuddling a girlfriend whilst you watch the latest Avengers movie, or whatever you’re into, right? Well, you don’t have to. We know that the girls aren’t that cheap, but to be honest, what price can you escort clients put on that feeling that you get out of doing something simply like this with one of our girls.

Beats finding a girlfriend

Doesn’t it? You could spend a lot of time and money going out to find a girl to spend those lonely nights with. But isn’t it better to do away with the inevitable problems that will occur after you’ve been together for a while? And isn’t it better to be able to have a different girl each time? We think it is. And that’s why you should try it out. Live your life the way you want to, you only get one!

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