Escort to your home

It’s a fact that there are many of you out there who believe that London escorts only offer incall services, or outcall services to hotels. This is a mistake. Most…

People are essentially good

It’s not easy being in London, living and working here. We are conditioned somewhat to distrust others and restrict our communications. We keep our interactions with others to the minimum…

See something you fancy?

If you’re in a supermarket you’d simply get it if you could afford it right? Of course you would. Well, when it comes to women, you should go ahead and…

Don’t be unreliable

We have a selfish purpose behind this brief article of course, but it is meant to be helpful too. If, like any man who visits our website, you are a…

Are you a high end man?

We’ve long been the agency of choice for those of you who enjoy your cheap London escorts, but we’ve changed our philosophy somewhat lately. Not that we don’t still offer…

Top tips for dating

It’s easy to get along on a date with a London escort of course, but we’re not here to help you with that. Well, we are here to help you…

What are rules anyway?!

We heard a very quotable line in one of our favourite TV shows the other day, and we thought we’d share it with you. We’re sharing it because it’s quite…

The unforgiving hour

The unforgiving hour in this case is your lunch hour! It can sometimes feel as though it lasts only minutes, depending on what you’re doing. You can bet your life…

We’re still cheap!

With all the changes that have been occurring here at Allstars Escorts, some people have started to put two and two together and make five! In other words they have…

Agency girls are best

Yes, we know that you’re going to accuse us of blatantly promoting our girls, and you wouldn’t be far wrong. But the fact remains that if you want a truly…